CTRL Digital Marketing helps addiction treatment facilities implement data-informed, custom digital marketing solutions that generate meaningful business growth. Our team partners with yours to establish a brand image that differentiates your position in the industry and fosters consumer trust. We never lose sight of the consumers in your care as we develop innovative approaches that put your addiction treatment facility on the digital map, optimized for results.

CTRL Digital Marketing | Addiction Treatment Digital Marketing Agency
Take Control of Your Online Presence

Digital Marketing Solutions for Addiction Treatment Centers and More

Alright, let's turn on the digital remix machine! What you've got on your hands is an extraordinary endeavor to press the life reset button for people grappling with addiction. Now, that's no walk in the park, is it? We're talking extreme life re-engineering here. Imagine them as Phoenix rising, and you're that all-important spark!

And us? Think of us as your trusty digital Sherpas, ready to guide you through the dizzying heights of the online sphere. We've got your back, striding alongside you to not just cultivate, but supercharge your online footprint. We like to keep things transparent, fun, and, above all, authentic. Sure, it's an adventure to sculpt your digital standing, just as you're sculpting these lives anew - but isn't that the thrilling part?

We're in the digital vanguard, smack in the middle of this cutting-edge wave, with a keen eye on the sometimes overlooked corner of addiction treatment services. We're here not just to ride that wave, but to make it our own. We pledge to dish out fresh, zesty ideas that ensure you don't just occupy space in the digital world, but own it!

Let's embark on this mission to spotlight your visionary efforts and reshape the digital universe. We're all about that shared desire to transform lives, digitally and beyond. So, what do you say? Shall we navigate these thrilling dynamics together, hand in hand, and make some serious waves in both the real and virtual worlds?

Honesty, Integrity, Transparency, Compassion Are The Most Important Thing To Us!!

Our team possesses an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the intricacies that define the addiction treatment industry. We are acutely aware of the labyrinthine journey that consumers must undertake to secure the appropriate care precisely when they are in dire need of it. Each member of our team brings a unique set of skills and expertise, covering a wide range of areas including healthcare, marketing, and operational management. What unites us as a team is a deeply personal and transformative experience—each one of us has had our lives indelibly altered by the process of supporting a loved one through a severe mental health crisis. These profoundly impactful experiences not only shape our leadership style but also permeate the way we engage in business relationships with each and every one of our clients.

When it comes to conducting business, we adhere to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and transparency. We operate under the straightforward yet powerful premise of caring for your business with the same level of commitment and passion that you yourself bring to it. We offer our services to a diverse range of treatment centers, whether they are newly established or have been in operation for some time. We are wholly dedicated to realizing your unique vision for what your business currently represents and what it has the potential to evolve into. All of this is done with the ultimate aim of serving those individuals who are actively seeking to find their own personal path to recovery from addiction.

CTRL Digital Marketing works hard on websites for addiction treatment centers and drug rehabs

Here Are a Few of Our Success Stories

Checkout How We've Helped Addiction Treatment Centers Take Control Of Their Online presence

View All Case Studies ➝

website ranking

We Significantly Improved Website Ranking of Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire

CTRL has helped Sobriety Centers of New Hampshire to create a strong online presence through a responsive website and effective search engine optimization and other digital marketing strategies.

Read the Case Study ➝


Tim Francis


Tim Francis is a hands-on CEO and self-described super nerd. His infatuation with computers and their potential to make the world a better place began at a young age, four to be exact. Installing Windows, and later Prodigy before most kids finished first grade, Tim became the neighborhood go-to computer guru.

He launched his first business—at age seven—providing graphic design services with the dinosaur known as Print Shop. Like many geniuses of his generation, Tim found high school utterly boring and dropped-out—only to receive his first degree in Digital Media at age 19. Fast forward a few decades…

That passion for tech (along with motorcycles, cars, musical instruments, and batteries -?!) has made Tim a digital renaissance guy who is one of the most sought-after online marketers in the industry. In 2015, Tim founded CTRL Digital Marketing, specializing in the unique digital marketing needs of mental health and addiction treatment centers.

Tim’s vision and collaborative leadership style has transformed CTRL Digital Marketing from a one-man operation into a company with a dedicated team of content creators capable of delivering first-in-class digital brand management and marketing. From the initial meeting with a client to the launch of a brand’s digital marketing strategy, Tim is enthusiastically engaged in all facets of the process. He believes that every client project—no matter its size or scope—deserves a personal touch. His tenacity for ensuring that every client’s project achieves is full potential translates into business success for all.

Andrew David


Andrew David thrives on helping businesses achieve more for their brand by developing highly efficient, and effective customer service and retention processes along with dynamic sales and digital marketing initiatives that result in dramatic revenue generation.
A sought-after business breakthrough strategist and coach, Andrew has helped national and international clients hit the ground running and guided them to generating revenue in excess of 9 figures.
When it comes to digital marketing, Andrew’s limitless understanding encompasses brand management, social media strategy, affiliate and online marketing, lead generation and conversion, content creation, search engine optimization, and all-things-Google. With his charismatic confidence and inspirational presence, clients enjoy working with Andrew as they learn how to leverage a seamless connection across marketing channels and augment a positive customer experience.

For clients of CTRL Digital Marketing, Andrew facilitates the process of developing customized tools, resources, and strategies that allow behavioral health treatment centers to stay focused on service delivery while their online marketing drives business growth.

Adil Ali

Lead Developer

Our in-house digital mastermind, Adil Ali is experienced with all facets of web design and development, graphic design, and WooCommerce development to CTRL Digital Marketing. Our clients value his ability to proactively anticipate project needs and initiate innovative and strategic digital solutions.
From web development to graphic design, e-commerce strategy, and UI/UX design, Adil thrives on tackling complex digital dilemmas and exceeding expectations on project deliverables—especially the ones that other developers said could not possibly be done!

There’s no sweat rolling off Adil’s back when it comes to working under tight deadlines and building highly functional, elegant, user-centric websites and other digital assets. A few of his specialties include multi-vendor sites, e-commerce sites, dynamic listing websites, and Search Engine Optimization. Adil holds specialist certifications in content marketing, e-commerce marketing, and social media marketing.

The rare moment when Adil is perplexed by a unique development problem, he slips away from his desk to catch his favorite sports game or immerses himself in reading about some random, new topic. By the time he returns to his computer, he has devised multiple solutions to test. Adil also enjoys experimenting with innovative new digital processes and designs. Always willing to lend a helping hand, Adil is who we turn to when it comes to teaching the CTRL Digital Marketing team and our clients the best ways to optimize use of a new technology.